Friday, 8 November 2019

Alternate Dimension Generator

For the times when the party open a gateway to Somewhere, and you have no clue what that is. Or simply when you want to start a new campaign and want a surprise.

Step 1: First Impressions

How long has the sapient inhabitants been present here?
1. Millenias, multiplied by 1d10.
2. Millenias
3. Centuries
4. Decades
5. Years
6. Months

Step 2: Setting Changes

Number of Changes
1-2. No change.
3-5. One change.
6. One change, roll again. 

What Changes?
1. Magic.
   1. Is half as effective (range, duration, damage, etc).
   2. Is twice as effective.
   3. One type of magic is enhanced. Roll on Magic Type.
   4. All magic here is intimately tied to one Element, roll on the Elements list.
   5. One type of magic won't work here. Roll on Magic Type.
   6. Only one type of magic works here. Roll on Magic Type.
2. Planar Will. Take a random personality trait from your favorite NPC Generator. Interactions on this plane that emulate this trait are more likely to be successful (e.g Rebellious )
3. Supernatural Ability Infusion. Roll for a random spell; its effect applies to everything in this dimension. E.g, if you roll Read Thoughts, everyone can read each other's thoughts, while Animate Object could mean a dimension where all objects are sentient.
4. Theme. Roll on Elements list and then the Applies To table.
5-6. Game Rule

Magic Type
1. Necromancy.
2. Evocation/destruction.
3. Conjuration/summoning.
4. Illusion/glamour.
5. Enchantment.
6. Transformation.
7. Warding/binding.
8. Divination/scrying.
9. Artifice.
10. Restoration/healing.


1 Acid 21 Despair 41 Heat 61 Nature 81 Stars
2 Aether 22 Dimension 42 History 62 Oil 82 Steam
3 Air 23 Doom 43 Hope 63 Pain 83 Steel
4 Anger 24 Dust 44 Ice 64 Perception 84 Stone
5 Ash 25 Earth 45 Iron 65 Plane 85 Storm
6 Avarice 26 Ember 46 Justice 66 Plant 86 Sun
7 Balance 27 Energy 47 Knowledge 67 Poison 87 Terror
8 Blight 28 Envy 48 Lead 68 Quicksilver 88 Time
9 Blood 29 Fear 49 Lies 69 Revulsion 89 Treasure
10 Bone 30 Fire 50 Life 70 Rot 90 Truth
11 Bones 31 Fog 51 Light 71 Salt 91 Vanity
12 Brimstone 32 Force 52 Lightning 72 Shadow 92 Venom
13 Clay 33 Fury 53 Lore 73 Sight 93 Vigor
14 Cloud 34 Glory 54 Love 74 Silver 94 Void
15 Copper 35 Gluttony 55 Lust 75 Smoke 95 Water
16 Cosmos 36 Gold 56 Metal 76 Soil 96 Will
17 Dark 37 Greed 57 Might 77 Soul 97 Wind
18 Death 38 Hate 58 Mist 78 Souls 98 Wisdom
19 Deceit 39 Hatred 59 Moon 79 Sound 99 Wood
20 Despair 40 Health 60 Mud 80 Spirit 100 Youth

Applies To (d16)
Roll a D6 and a D8, add 8 if the D6 scores 4+.
1. Seasonal Changes
2. Landforms, terrain, geology
3. Streams, rivers, lakes
4. Predators, grazers
5. Rodents, insects, birds
6. Wind, Rain, Clouds, Atmosphere
7. Sun, Light, Temperature
8. Trees, plants, Grasses
9. Security, Warfare
10. Connection, Sex, Vice
11. Food, the Hearth
12. Games, Play, Fashion
13. Agriculture, Industry
14. Art, Architecture
15. Religion, Learning
16. Rulership, Laws, Mores

Step 3: Fleshing It Out

Use Throne of Salt's Planar Culture Generator to flesh a culture out. Select 3 out of the 25 ones.

It sounds like this: Vulgar.
Generate a random one, then as the PCs talk to a native, read from the sentence example. The language name also works as the name of the Dimension.

1. The local language is considered to be very difficult/alien to learn. (-3 to Language checks if you are using LoTFP.)

2-3. The local language is considered exotic relative to a language the party knows. (-2 to Language checks if you are using LoTFP.)

4-5. The local language is considered to be related to a language the party knows, but it might be using foreign words and/or grammar. (-1 to Language checks if you are using LoTFP.)

6. The language is identical to a language the party knows, though some words may be pronounced differently. 

Cuisine d6
1. Mixed.
2. Dominantly Surf.
3. Dominantly Turf.
4. Dominantly Vegetarian.
5. Dominantly Vegan.
6. Exotic.

Step 4: So Where are We and What's Going On?

The Local Terrain Is (roll twice, combine). Credits to Spwack at Meandering Banter.

1. Plains
2. Mountains
3. Forests
4. Wet
5. Dry
6. Weird

...and You emerge...
1. In a Dungeon.
2. In a Lair.
3. In a Settlement, 50 % chance of being inside a building.
4. By a Wonder.
5. By/on top of a beneficial landmark.
6. By/on top of a hazardous landmark.

Then use this narrative generator and make an encounter check.
Use your preferred reaction table.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of power gaming tools. It's about leverage and the artifact.
